bizzare headscratcher

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[JiF]War Trophy
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bizzare headscratcher

Post by [JiF]War Trophy »

3 Years ago I bought an HP desktop pc, dual processor 3.06G, 512ram, 128 video memory, with a GE Force fx5200 graphics card.

The first time I started it up it crashed as windows loaded up, telling me there was a problem with a hardware device.
Had to boot up in safe mode and I eventually figured out it was the graphics card, which I disabled, whereafter I was able to boot in normal mode.

The retailers sent my pc back to the manufacturers for the soundcard to be replaced, which took 3 months.
Guess what... I start it up for the first time after getting it back and it crashes again - exactly the same problem.

Disable the graphics card in safe mode - and hey - no problem rebooting in normal mode.
Tried updating all the Nvidia drivers and re-installs etc, with no luck.
I gave up at this point and accepted that I wasn't going to be able to play games on this pc.

Very occasionally, while in normal mode I was able to successfully enable the graphics card without a crash (although it would always crash on restart) so I thought maybe I'll try a few games anyway for the few times that the graphics card manage to run.
Beginning of this year I bought BF42 and finally got internet.
Obviously I wanted to play online so downloaded and installed all the BF42 updates and PB etc.
Since that day my pc has never crashed on start -up. Ever.

I'm not sure what BF42 had to do with this, but for personal reasons I'm just gonna believe that BF42 saved my pc :D
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Re: bizzare headscratcher

Post by [JiF]zougathefist »

He who fights with Monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. When you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you

Nietzsche was stupid and abnormal!

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Re: bizzare headscratcher

Post by seadogs »

that just sums up windows in one really... the biggest pile of unstable rubbish on the market but yet we all buy it! lmao, you should try bf42 on linux running through WINE... it is quite something.
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Re: bizzare headscratcher

Post by [JiF]LtWaterboy »

hmmmm.....sounds like an HP thing.... lol ;)

did you check to make sure that all the internal connections were "solid"?

when these guys assemble the systems, sometimes they are not seated all the way or cable is loose, etc.

if this was a day one problem, it would make the most sense from a problem solving standpoint (either that or a faulty card or driver initially).

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