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How I Would Redo the Classes

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 7:14 pm
by [JiF]AlbieDamned
If I were designing 2142, here's how I would have made up the classes. First, I would have gone back to the 7 classes from BF2 instead of merging assault & medic, sniper and spec forces, and anti-tank and engi.

Sniper: No real changes. Basic equipment: knife, pistol, sniper rifle. Unlocks: APM, magnifier, stabilizer, better sniper rifle.

Spec Forces: Gets a carbine from the beginning, also gets the anti-camo helmet from support. Fade-delay helmet gets axed. Basic equipment: knife, pistol, carbine. Unlocks: explosives, anti-camo helmet, camo device, better carbine.

Assault: Shotgun attachment gets axed, instead assault gets the pulse detector which makes sense cause assault is really the front line troop not suport. Basic equipment: knife, pistol, assault rifle. Unlocks: rocket launcher attachment, infantry id helmet, pulse detector, better assault rifle.

Medic: Primary weapon is weaker (a SMG instead of AR), but swaps smoke grenades for support's shield with the idea being to give cover while healing/reviving. Basic equipment: knife, pistol, submachine gun, med kit. Unlocks: defibrilator, better med kit, shield, better SMG.

Anti-Tank: Doesn't get a SMG, so it's more like BF1942 where you have to use your pistol. Gets EMP mines instead of defuser - idea is to disable vehicle with EMP, then take it out with main weapon. Basic equipment: knife, pistol, anti-vehicle weapon. Unlocks: EMP mines, vehicle ID helmet, PDS-1, better anti-vehicle weapon.

Engineer: Has SMG for primary weapon, same as medic. Basic equipment: knife, pistol, SMG, wrench. Unlocks: Defuser, better wrench, motion mines, better SMG

Support: No more sentry gun! Instead this guy becomes a grenade specialist. Basic equipment: knife, pistol, light machine gun, ammo kit. Unlocks: EMP grenades, better ammo kit, smoke grenades, better LMG.

Altogether, I eliminated the sentry gun, shotgun attachment, fade-delay helmet, and shotgun. I also got rid of the anti-air weapon, giving engineers a SMG instead. And because there is only one class with assault rifle, there could only be one assault rifle upgrade instead of the current two.