Fan Controllers

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[JiF]Sly Gambit
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Fan Controllers

Post by [JiF]Sly Gambit »

Ok so I have my new vid card and I bought 3 new case fans. I installed them and by default they were all super loud. I knew this but I didn't realize I had to pull a jumper to reduce the speed. Anyway I now have my manual controllers for them installed and accessible in the back of my computer.

Obviously that's a problem as my PCI slots are now nearly full (I have one left that I will probably use for a TV Tuner card). But what's worse is I don't have the easy ability to change speeds so if I overclock my card (which I probably will) the only real way I can adjust my fans is to reach behind my computer and change it from quiet and cool to loud and cold.

I only want it on the latter setting when I'm gaming. I'm wearing headphones anyways so the 'turbines' don't bother me. But when I'm watching movies or just on the net (or God forbid actually doing work) I obviously want the fans to reduce their speed.

I know there are good front-side fan controllers out there and I"ll probably get one if I ever need to free up another PCI slot (Sly want SLI! :)) but wanted to know if anyones found one that can be software controlled. I already have my CPU fan and my GPU fans software controlled based on temperatures but I'd like to take a holistic (snicker) approach to cooling my system. It'd just be nice to do all 3 case fans in addition to those and so far I can't find anything other than a manual controller.

Has anyone seen anything like that?
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