Need a Linux Guy for an opening I have.

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Need a Linux Guy for an opening I have.

Post by [JiF]Dandyman »

I've been looking for a pretty good Linux administrator for an opening I have in my group, and HR hasn't exactly been giving me some good candidates. Please PM me if you know anybody good. I asked a friend of mine for some referrals and he asked me what I'm looking for. I sent him the following knowing that he'd understand each and every point.

What I really need is somebody who:

1.) Even though we use stock kernels exclusively, I want someone who could recompile a kernel if they needed to.
2.) Someone who can compile some OSS app that is poorly documented and poorly tested.
3.) Somebody who doesn't think Linux = Red Hat. Sure we use RHEL and CentOS exclusively, but I'd like someone who has tried more than one distro.
4.) Anyone who worked with kernel 2.2 at the very least qualifies as someone with enough experience.
5.) The kind of person who LIKES using Linux as their primary OS.
6.) They ever knew the pain of getting a 3D card to work in X and did it.
7.) The first thing they think of when they hear the word "WINE" is "Wine Is Not an Emulator".
8.) They know who Larry Ewing, Alan Cox, or Miguel de Icaza is and their claim to fame.
9.) They ever proclaimed that Red Hat 6.2 would have to be pried from their dead lifeless fingers before they ever gave it up.

What I don't need is:

1.) Another Solaris convert who knows that Linux is similar, but thinks you have to run gunzip before tar.
2.) Picked up a book from Barnes & Noble with RH 5.2 attached to the back cover three years ago, installed it, but hasn't used it.
3.) Thinks GCC is a government or non-profit agency related to credit card debt.
4.) Thinks of their car first when they hear RPM.
5.) Thinks Bob Young is the guy who led the Mormons to Utah and started Bob Young University.
6.) Thinks Linux is a little blond child genious employed by IBM.
7.) Thinks HP-UX is the best use of HP servers.
8.) Thinks AIX is the best use of IBM servers.
9.) Thinks IIS should run web sites.
Dandy Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
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