Watcha Got?

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Watcha Got?

Post by [JiF]AlbieDamned »

I'm curious which unlocks people have taken and are planning to take. Here's what I got:

Assault: Shotgun attachment, helmet, rocket attachment, Baur, defibrilator, upgraded medkit. I equip the defib and rocket attachment, and of course the Baur. No plans to get smoke grenades or the Voss since I don't think I'd ever use them.

Engineer: Defuser, helmet, PDS-1, Pilum. I equip them all. I plan on getting EMP Mines soon so I can get to the upgraded repair tool through field upgrades.

Squad Leader: Spawn beacon. I'd like to get the recon drone, since I think that would be more useful on the smaller infantry maps (like Berlin) than the spawn beacon.

Abilities: Grenades. I'm planning on taking the two sprinting abilities with my next two unlocks. Having them this past weekend spoiled me.
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Post by [JiF]Stepovich »

Both branches of assault maxed out.
All special abilities accept for the extra clip/grenade
Sniper/recon, I've maxed out the branch with the automatic weapon upgrade
and I've just started the support branch with the shotgun, I'm 3 upgrades away :cry:
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Post by [JiF]AlbieDamned »

What do you usually equip as Assault? I think once I get the engi upgrades I want, I'll go for the special forces branch of recon too. I'm pretty useless attacking a Titan right now without explosives, and the invisibility is cool. But to me that style isn't playable until you get the carbine. I'm a horrible sniper, so having a sniper rifle as my main weapon is useless to me.
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Post by [JiF]Stepovich »

The carbine on the sniper branch really is useful- that's probably one
of the best for assaulting titans. Though, the biggest problem is you
become a huge tk'er, everyone appears to be a complete moron when
it comes to getting out of the way of demolitions...especially at the titan
core! Everyone suddenly becomes brainless when they get to the titan
core and start shooting it with their mg's, heedless of the fact that
you've placed ALL of your demo packs on the core and backed off
to set them off... smacktards.

Assault class, I like the baur on the tighter infantry maps since it
has better stopping power- I just like the range on the other one better,
it's tons more accurate than the baur.
My main equips for assault are the defrib and usually the shotgun
attachment since the rockets are pretty useless. I spend most of my
time reviving ;)
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Post by [JiF]AlbieDamned »

Hmmm - I think the Baur is much more accurate than the Voss. I've only used the Voss a little bit though. The problem with the Baur is its big recoil kick. So you have to fire in very small bursts. At range, I almost always use it in single shot mode. With its bigger damage, it takes down targets with just a few hits. Close up, I use 2-3 shot bursts. My best strategy is to aim for the chest and fire a small burst. Because of the kick, the second or third shots will "walk up" and hopefully hit the head. At point blank range, I'm usually in trouble, especially against a Voss with its higher rate of fire and smaller kick.

And I LOVE the rocket launcher attachment! It's only appropriate in certain situations though. Because of the minimum 20 meters for detonation, you can't use it like a BF2 grenade launcher. An example: Berlin, I'm on the second floor of one of the buildings fighting a guy on the second floor of a building across the way. He keeps ducking behind the railing. I zoom in on the wall behind him, then mouse wheel down to reduce the range by 2 or maybe 4 meters, then fire. It will airburst right over him. Another example: defending a Titan hallway. Zoom in on the end of the hall, then reduce by 2 meters. As soon as you see a bad guy, fire. It should airburst right in the hallway entrance. If he's running to you, keep reducing a few more ticks as you fire the rest of your rounds. And another example - bad guy hiding behind a barricade. Just zoom in on the barricade, increase the range by a few meters, then aim right over the barricade and fire. Should airburst right over him. And one final example - bad guy in a fixed installation (AA or AV gun). As long as you're at least 20 meters away, just aim at it and shoot. In this case you're just using it like a grenade launcher.
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Post by [JiF]Stepovich »

[JiF]AlbieDamned wrote:
And I LOVE the rocket launcher attachment!
Well this explains why I haven't used it much, I'm ignorant ;)
I just never figured out how to use it, was treating it like the old 'nade launcher. I'll have to give it another try!

Yeah, the Voss kicks less and the higher rate of fire makes a huge difference. I notice since the unlock weekend
that the majority of people attacking on maps have the Voss now.
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Post by JPistol »

Well I have them all. I'll give you the same advice I gave at the 3FL. Cause after selecting a weapon unlock, often found I wish I had not.

First three player abilites is a must, and the SLSB is the most usefull SL unlock. Work your unlocks up (left and right sides) to the weapon unlock in all the classes. Then unlock the weapons as earned field upgrades. Then after experimenting with the weapons as field upgrades. Choose which weapon unlock best suits your needs and additude.
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Post by [JiF]AlbieDamned »

[JiF]Stepovich wrote:
[JiF]AlbieDamned wrote:
And I LOVE the rocket launcher attachment!
Well this explains why I haven't used it much, I'm ignorant ;)
I just never figured out how to use it, was treating it like the old 'nade launcher. I'll have to give it another try!

Yeah, the Voss kicks less and the higher rate of fire makes a huge difference. I notice since the unlock weekend
that the majority of people attacking on maps have the Voss now.
The Voss is easier to use and better at close or point blank range, so that makes it more popular. The Baur suits my style better though. I like to take my time and aim. According to BFHQ, I'm getting 28% accuracy with the Baur and you're getting 16% accuracy with the Voss.

By the way, I have nothing to do at work today so I'm just surfing. Does it show? :wink:
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Post by [JiF]Stepovich »

[JiF]AlbieDamned wrote:By the way, I have nothing to do at work today so I'm just surfing. Does it show? :wink:
Same here.
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Post by [JiF]bigjohnson »

all of recon
machine gun branch complete, only pds-1 & shotgun left on support
engineer emp mines, repair without tool, mine balls,
assault defib
speed, stamina
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Post by [JiF]AlbieDamned »

What do you usually equip with recon? I know you equip APM, cause you kill me with them all the time. Do you use Camo or RDX? And do you snipe or use the Lambert carbine?
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Post by [JiF]bigjohnson »

depends on map and enemy strategy: if it's titan, i use the apm all the time with the lammy and either camo or detpaks.
In city maps I like sniper rifle w/ stabilizer scope (hold down shift) and apm mines around me for those little revengeful knife weilding bastages who try and get me.
the detpak works well with camo to sneak up and blow up enemy commanders resources.
detpaks on the front of cars make good moving IEDs if you get the timing right.

I guess my recent favorite is to pod out of the titan and sneak up behind the enemy outside a console corridor and just drop a couple apm in there... it's suicidal but usually a good return on investment.
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